Chromebook Info, Policies, & Troubleshooting

Chromebook Information, Forms, Policies, and Troubleshooting

OFMS Chromebook Policies:

1. Your Chromebook should be in the case at all times.  The insurance policy does not cover damage on your Chromebook if it is not in the case.  In addition, we cannot troubleshoot, repair, or charge your Chromebook unless it is in the case.
2. If you forget to charge your Chromebook or bring it to school, you can borrow the teacher's loaner Chromebook for the block, but it is on a first-come first-served basis.  If the teacher's loaner is already being used by someone else, then you have to use paper and pencil for assignments.  The library cannot check out chargers.
3. The insurance policy does not cover loss or theft.  The sooner you let Ms. Sanchez know that your Chromebook is missing, the greater the chance is that we will recover or find it.  
4. Please keep in mind that, with the insurance policy, there is a $20 deductible fee that will be due for each of the first and second claims.  On the third claim in one school year, the deductible is $40.  However, repairs for technical issues do not have a deductible fee.
5. If you are having issues with your Chromebook, please see the trouble-shooting tips below.  If these do not help, please take your Chromebook to the library for assistance.  

2023-24 Chromebook Forms:

Chromebooks - All middle school students are issued a Chromebook.  An annual $25 technology insurance fee is required and can be paid online through the Parent Portal. Completion of Chromebook forms is also required of parents of all incoming 6th graders AND new 7th & 8th grade students to Orchard Farm.  Please choose one of the two options below and fill out the corresponding form by clicking on the link: 

  • OPTION #1 - If you would like your child to use an OFSD Chromebook for the 2023-2024 school year, please complete this form no later than Friday, August 18, 2023 (Please submit one form for each child that you have at Orchard Farm Middle School). Completing this form by 8/18/23 and paying the $25 insurance fee online (through the Parent Portal) will ensure that your child receives his/her Chromebook on the second day of school, 8/22/23:

English: 2023-24 OFMS Chromebook Form
Spanish: Formulario de Chromebook OFMS 2023-24

  OFSD Chromebook Policy Handbook

  • OPTION #2 - If you would like your child to use their own device for the 2023-2024 school year, please complete the Chromebook Opt-Out form by Friday, August 18, 2023:

English: 2023-24 OFMS Chromebook OPT-OUT
Spanish: EXCLUSIÓN DEL Chromebook OFMS 2023-24

Chromebook Parent and Student Video:

Having issues with your Chromebook?

Here are some troubleshooting tips that will fix many common problems with Chromebooks... 

hard reset will fix the following things:
1.  A Chromebook that does not want to turn on, even though they
     charged it overnight or is currently plugged into a charger.
2.  A Chromebook that is frozen or stuck.
3.  A Chromebook that is struggling with Wi-Fi connection.
4.  A Chromebook that is loading or running very slowly.
5.  A Chromebook where the mouse arrow has disappeared.  
6.  A Chromebook that is just glitchy or doing something odd.
Also, signing out, removing the user, and then logging back on can often fix #'s 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

hard reset
troubleshooting tips 2
If videos aren't loading, things don't seem to be syncing, or links aren't working, try these two tricks:

1.  Make sure that the Chromebook has been updated with the latest
     version of Google Chrome:  
          Step 1 - Open up a new tab in Google and type    Chrome://help
          Step 2 - If you need to update, it will show whether or not you
          need to do an update and should automatically start the

troubleshooting tips 3
2.  If you are running the most current version of Chrome, then sign
     out, remove your account from the Chromebook, and sign back
     on.  This resets your user settings and usually fixes any issues
     with syncing, loading, or freezing.

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